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Building a basic UI-clone of Instagram using Elm - Part 1

I’ve had a fascination with functional programming for a few years now, but despite taking a quick look at Haskell I’ve not invested much time actually learning a functional language. I’ve generally tried to approach my front-end development from a functional mindset, keeping functions pure, trying not to mutate objects, always using things like map, filter and reduce to manipulate collections. One of my main complaints/observations with functional languages is that they don’t seem to be immediately practical, there seems to be a big step between picking up the fundamentals and basics of the language, and actually building something useful with it. Sometime recently I became aware of Elm and after looking into it quickly, it seemed to address exactly this complaint of mine. There seemed to be a quick turnaround from picking up the basics of the language and being able to actually build something with it, specifically a front-end web application. I read through the An Introduction to Elm book and wanted to build one of my side project ideas with Elm, but I decided that to avoid the possibility of getting overwhelmed and frustrated trying to build something ambitious with a new language, I’d build an example app that covered a lot of what I’d need for a bigger app. So, inspired by Wes Bos’ great Learn Redux course, I decided I’d build a simple UI-clone of Instagram. You can view the finished app here and all of the source code is available here. Also a big shout out to my friend Sam Gates for letting me use data from his @samgatesphotography account for this example app and articles.

Setting up a basic Elm app

Most of the simple examples that you see for Elm seem to have the entire codebase in a single .elm file, this is great to demonstrate how little is required to get up and running with Elm, and the advice seems to be to only break your app into separate files when you need to. I had a look around at some articles and examples and I settled on the following app structure:

├─ elm-package.json ─ project metadata and dependencies
├─ App.elm          ─ bootstrap app using The Elm Architecture
├─ Types.elm        ─ define Model, Msg and any other types
├─ State.elm        ─ handle all changes to state
├─ View.elm         ─ all view rendering and logic
├─ Rest.elm         ─ HTTP requests and JSON parsing
└─ Feature/         ─ a feature sub-directory
   ├─ Types.elm
   ├─ State.elm
   ├─ View.elm
   └─ Rest.elm

This should scale reasonably well, you would mostly re-use the same files as necessary in feature sub-directories. We’ll only use the top-level files for this example, but for anything more complex you would probably need to break the app into smaller features, similar to how you would compose the UI out of separate small components in other frameworks.

The first steps to get started with Elm are to install elm, create a new project directory and initialise an Elm project inside of it. Installing elm-lang/core will include elm-lang/html and initialise an elm-package.json file for the project.

$ npm install -g elm
$ mkdir Elmstagram
$ cd Elmstagram
$ elm package install elm-lang/core

The Elm Architecture is one of Elm’s great contributions to the front-end ecosystem, the concept of a single immutable state object has been used by Redux and many other similar libraries. The following files implement a very basic Elm example, and we’ll use this as a starting point for the app. Note that we won’t need Rest.elm just yet.

-- Types.elm
module Types exposing (..)

type alias Model =

initialModel : Model
initialModel =

type Msg
    = IncrementLikes
-- State.elm
module State exposing (..)

import Types exposing (..)

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
    initialModel ! []

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
    case msg of
        IncrementLikes ->
            (model + 1) ! []

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
-- View.elm
module View exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Types exposing (Model, Msg(..))

rootView : Model -> Html Msg
rootView model =
    div []
        [ h1 [] [text "Elmstagram"]
        , p [] [text ("Likes: " ++ toString model)]
        , p []
            [ button [onClick IncrementLikes] [text "Like!"]
-- App.elm
module App exposing (main)

import Html
import Types exposing (Model, Msg)
import State
import View

main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
        { init = State.init
        , update = State.update
        , subscriptions = State.subscriptions
        , view = View.rootView

I don’t want to go into explaining this too much because this is all pretty thoroughly covered in the Elm introductory tutorials and examples. Basically the App.elm file is the entry point into the application, it must expose a main function which returns a Program as defined by The Elm Architecture. The Program requires:

  • an init function which provides an initial model and optionally some initial commands to run. We’ll use this next to load the list of posts.
  • an update function which responds to commands and updates the model.
  • a subscriptions function which is used to respond to external updates such as messages on a web socket. We won’t require any subscriptions for this example.
  • a view function which returns the UI based on the current model.

If you’ve only looked at basic Elm examples so far, the model ! [ cmd ] syntax might look a little strange, but all it does is return a (model, cmd) tuple, where it’s easy to provide a list of commands instead of just one. It also means we can just past an empty list as [] instead of explicitly using Cmd.none.

At this point you should be able to run elm make App.elm which will compile everything and produce an index.html which you can open in a browser. Click the “Like!” button to your hearts content, then we’ll move on with making things a little more interesting.

Load posts from a JSON file

Loading data from an external resource is actually fairly straight-forward, though if you’re coming from JavaScript you might find it a little tedious having to define types and decoders. It definitely becomes easier after a little practice and I believe the extra effort trade-off is worth it. You’ll basically need to define type aliases and decoders for all of the types that you’re expecting in your JSON-returning HTTP requests.

Download and save posts.json into your project directory. The JSON data looks like this:

    "id": "BLvMFSVB8mQ",
    "likes": 91,
    "comments": 4,
    "text": "The description or caption of the post #plusprobablysomehashtags",
    "media": ""

In Types.elm we need to add a new type alias Post to map the JSON data into. The type properties don’t have to match exactly to the JSON property names, but keeping them the same is the simplest for now. The type should look like this:

-- Types.elm

type alias Post =
    { id : String
    , likes : Int
    , comments : Int
    , text : String
    , media : String

While we’re in Types.elm, we’ll update the Model type and the initialModel function to contain a list of Posts. Note that when we define a type in Elm we get a constructor function of the same name that creates and returns a new value of that type, the function takes the same number of arguments as properties declared in the type definition and in the same order that they’re declared. So far we just have a single posts property which we’ll initialise to an empty list.

-- Types.elm

type alias Model =
    { posts : List Post

initialModel : Model
initialModel =
    Model []

Next we need to define a decoder that instructs Elm how to parse JSON into types that it knows about. We need to use methods defined in Json.Decode from elm-lang/core to create the decoder. The JSON structure is an array of objects, each representing a single post. So we’ll define the decodePosts function as returning a Json.Decode.Decoder (List Post). We’ll need to create the Rest.elm file now and it will look like this:

-- Rest.elm
module Rest exposing (..)

import Json.Decode as Json exposing (..)
import Types exposing (Post)

decodePosts : Json.Decoder (List Post)
decodePosts =
    list <|
        map5 Post
            (field "id" string)
            (field "likes" int)
            (field "comments" int)
            (field "text" string)
            (field "media" string)

Note that we’ve imported Json.Decode as Json exposing(..). This means that in the annotation we can simplify Json.Decode.Decoder to Json.Decoder. We could simplify it further to just Decoder because we’ve exposed everything from Json.Decode, but I prefer to be explicit here. To avoid exposing everything from Json.Decode we’d have to either explicitly refer to each of list, map5, field, string and int as Json.list,, etc. Or list just the functions that we’re actually using in the import statement: exposing(list, map5, field, string, int). The same goes for exposing functions from Html in View.elm. I generally prefer to be explicit about only importing what I need, but for Rest.elm I’m OK with exposing everything from Json.Decode and for View.elm I’m OK with exposing everything from Html because you generally need a number of functions from both.

Reading the decoder as we’ve defined it, we want to decode the JSON into a list of Posts. We use the map5 function here because we want to take 5 properties from the JSON object. There are a number of Json.Decode.mapx functions to decode different sized JSON objects. map5 takes a function that takes 5 parameters to produce a value (in this case the default Post constructor function), followed by 5 decoders. The 5 field decoders that we’re using each take a property name to extract from the JSON object, followed by a type decoder which needs to match the JSON property type.

To load the JSON file we’ll need to install elm-lang/http (elm package install elm-lang/http) and import Http in Rest.elm. The getPosts function will look like this:

-- Rest.elm

import Http
import Types exposing (Msg(..), Post)

getPosts : Cmd Msg
getPosts =
    Http.send FetchPosts <|
        Http.get "posts.json" decodePosts

Http.get takes a URL as a string and a Json.Decode.Decoder and returns a Http.Request. Http.send takes a Msg and a Http.Request, it performs the HTTP request and sends the success/fail as a Result to the specified Msg. To actually run all of this, we need to call Rest.getPosts from somewhere in the app. We could either do it in response to another Msg (such as clicking a button), or as a part of the initialisation. Because we always want to retrieve the list of posts before the app is able to do anything interesting, we’ll do it as a part of the initialisation. In State.elm modify the init function to look like this:

-- State.elm

import Rest

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
    initialModel ! [ Rest.getPosts ]

We’ll also need to update the Types.Msg type to include the FetchPosts message and handle the message in the State.update function. Note that we’ve removed the IncrementLikes message.

-- Types.elm

import Http

type Msg
    = FetchPosts (Result Http.Error (List Post))
-- State.elm

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
    case msg of
        FetchPosts (Ok posts) ->
            { model | posts = posts } ! Cmd.none

        FetchPosts (Err _) ->
            model ! Cmd.none

The { model | posts = posts } syntax is how you update a record in Elm. It returns a new record, starting from the old record specified before the pipe, updated with any property changes after the pipe.

We’ll update the view in the next part to show the actual posts, but for now just change View.rootView to show a count of the number of posts so that we can compile and check that everything still works.

-- View.elm

rootView : Model -> Html Msg
rootView model =
    div []
        [ h1 [] [text "Elmstagram"]
        , p [] [text ("Posts: " ++ (toString <| List.length model.posts))]

Go ahead and recompile the app with elm make App.elm. Because we’ve introduced a HTTP request you won’t be able to just open the created index.html file in a browser anymore, the browser will show a CORS error when attempting to load posts.json. You’ll need to use a HTTP server to serve the example, but a static server such as http-server will be good enough for now, just install and run it in your project directory, then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

$ elm make App.elm
$ npm install -g http-server
$ http-server

That’s all (for now)

You can view the code that we’ve built so far here. We’ll continue building the app in the following articles:

  • Part 2 - Build the main list view and add navigation
  • Part 3 - Build the single post view and add the comments form